Sejarah Habbatus Sauda / Black Seed / Nigella Sativa
✓ Nabi Muhammad SAW beritahu ia sebagai penawar bagi segala penyakit kecuali maut
✓ telah digunakan sejak ribuan tahun dalam pelbagai tamadun
✓ Digunakan dalam perubatan ayurveda
✓ Raja Mesir kuno menyimpan sebagai minyak berharga dalam persemadiannya
✓ Cleopatra pemaisuri Mesir purba menggunakannya sebagai kecantikan kulit
✓ Masyarakat Arab mengenalinya sebagai habbatul barakah kerana ia diberkahi langit
✓ Kajian Moden membuktikan kesan positif terhadap semua penyakit moden yang hampir tiada ubatnya hingga kini
✓ Di Barat dikenali sebagai Black Seed/ Black Cumin/ BLESSED seed
Black Seed Oil (BSO) : Direction of use
✓ Take BSO regularly for optimum result
✓ Press 3 times every day & night as daily supplement For nasal blockage/ chronic sinusitis: press into nostrils every early morning for 3 days
✓ For asthma: take BSO by mouth daily plus rub BSO to the chest
✓ Eye problem: apply 1-2 drops to affected eye every night for 1 week duration
✓ Earache/ ear problem: press BSO inside the affected ear everyday for 1 week duration
✓ Apply this BSO to effectively relief tooth ache, mouth ulcer, cough, & sore throat
✓ Mix BSO with hot coffee drink to act as natural stimulant/ aanti-stressor
✓ Apply BSO to skin to promote skin beauty, & natural skin whitening
✓ Apply BSO to skin to also treat cut injury, burn injury, treat rashes, eczema, fungal infection, & acne
✓ Rub BSO over head & neck may relief fever, head- ache , & migrain
✓ BSO can be used as massage oil & gives relaxing aroma and treat nerve & blood flow
✓ Take 3 spoonful of BSO can treat worms, diarrhea, constipation, gastric, & also helps haemorrhoid together with topical application