Pure Black Seed Oil


pure black seed oil

Sejarah Habbatus Sauda / Black Seed / Nigella Sativa

Nabi Muhammad SAW beritahu ia sebagai penawar bagi segala penyakit kecuali maut

telah digunakan sejak ribuan tahun dalam pelbagai tamadun
Digunakan dalam perubatan ayurveda

Raja Mesir kuno menyimpan sebagai minyak berharga dalam persemadiannya
Cleopatra pemaisuri Mesir purba menggunakannya sebagai kecantikan kulit

Masyarakat Arab mengenalinya sebagai habbatul barakah kerana ia diberkahi langit
Kajian Moden membuktikan kesan positif terhadap semua penyakit moden yang hampir tiada ubatnya hingga kini

Di Barat dikenali sebagai Black Seed/ Black Cumin/ BLESSED seed

Improves concentration & memory
Boosts stamina & energy
Improves immune system
Improves hormones bioactivity
Acts as a natural pain reliever
It aids in weight loss
Treats infection
Helps fight cancer
Promotes liver health
Combats diabetes
Balances cholesterol
Promotes hair growth
Protects skin Improves fertility
Removes toxin from body

Black Seed Oil (BSO) : Direction of use

Take BSO regularly for optimum result
Press 3 times every day & night as daily supplement For nasal blockage/ chronic sinusitis: press into nostrils every early morning for 3 days
For asthma: take BSO by mouth daily plus rub BSO to the chest
Eye problem: apply 1-2 drops to affected eye every night for 1 week duration
Earache/ ear problem: press BSO inside the affected ear everyday for 1 week duration
Apply this BSO to effectively relief tooth ache, mouth ulcer, cough, & sore throat
Mix BSO with hot coffee drink to act as natural stimulant/ aanti-stressor
Apply BSO to skin to promote skin beauty, & natural skin whitening
Apply BSO to skin to also treat cut injury, burn injury, treat rashes, eczema, fungal infection, & acne
Rub BSO over head & neck may relief fever, head- ache , & migrain
BSO can be used as massage oil & gives relaxing aroma and treat nerve & blood flow
Take 3 spoonful of BSO can treat worms, diarrhea, constipation, gastric, & also helps haemorrhoid together with topical application